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Canada Bluejoint Grass: Calamagrostis canadensis

Canada Bluejoint Grass: Calamagrostis canadensis

Regular price $15.00 CAD
Regular price $15.00 CAD Sale price $15.00 CAD
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Also called Canadian Reedgrass or Marsh Reedgrass, Calamagrostis canadensis is a faster spreading variety of this species. Slightly arching leaves are rough with tiny fibers and bluish-green in colour. Large airy inflorescences emerge purple, changing to golden-tan. Foliage and flowers dry and persist through the fall and winter.

Native to Ontario and most of North America.

Grows in full sun to full shade in a range of soil types. Prune foliage to ground level in the spring to make way for new growth. When given adequate moisture, this grass can spread quickly by rhizomes. Prune rhizomes in the spring to control growth.

Cool Season Grasses: These grasses do the majority of their growing in early spring and start again when temperatures start to cool in the fall. During the warmer summer months, they stop growing and some will even go dormant. Cool season grasses flower in the spring or early summer. Most cool season grasses grow best in a consistently moist soil.

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