Indoor Plants Create Good Feng Shui, Here's How
Plants Not Only Look Good, They Improve The Energy in Your Home
We know that plant enthusiasts always mention how good plants make them feel. Plants create a better indoor environment, in how you feel has to do with a few factors.
We often get asked if plants are good feng shui.
Feng shui views the role of plants in eliminating negative energy and creating harmonious energy and good fortune.
We may not be a feng shui expert, but we wanted to put together a guide to help you understand plants creating harmony in your space.
What is the goal of Feng Shui?
The goal of feng shui is to place the human-made environment in a good location that has a positive life force. The five elements – metal, earth, fire, water, and wood play an essential part in Chinese thought: 'elements' generally meaning not so much the actual substances as the forces essential to human life. Equilibrium is achieved when the positive and negative polarities cancel each other.
Landscape ecologists often find traditional feng shui to be an interesting study. In many cases, the only remaining patches of Asian old forest are "Feng shui woods," which are associated with cultural heritage, historical continuity, and the preservation of various flora and fauna species.
Feng shui practices are more of an art than science, there aren't any scientific studies that support it. It has a widespread practice in designing and creating spaces that provide positive energy. Feng shui plants are only one part of the equation.
What is the Role of Indoor Plants in Feng Shui?
Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of organizing space to balance energy. Certain house plants have specific significance in this practice. Beyond that, their placement can also have a specific meaning.
Plants are considered a wood element. The significance of wood as a feng shui element is growth, new beginnings, and abundance.
According to feng shui, the type of plant you choose and where you place it in your space can positively or negatively affect your qi. You can use tropical plants indoors to help improve your Feng Shui by placing them in specific areas of your space that correspond with the Bagua.
How to Place Plants in Feng Shui Based on The Bagua
The Bagua maps energy in your space. Each area is connected to an aspect of your life. The Bagua is the energy map of eight life areas around a focus. In Chinese, "ba" means eight and "gua" refers to an area, so "Bagua" refers to eight areas in Chinese.
In feng shui, plants are used to enhance the energy of a space by putting them in specific areas on the Bagua map. Each Bagua area is linked to an aspect of your life, and the Bagua is the feng shui energy map of your environment.
The Best Places to Place Plants to Improve Your Wealth, Health and Happiness:
- Family (Zhen): The plants in this sector of your home can help you develop and support your family life. They may also help generate energy if you feel tired after a long day.
- Wealth (Xun): You can benefit from a plant in your wealth area if you want to grow in abundance and attract wealth and prosperity.
- Health (Tai Qi): If you need more help to feel good, a plant in the middle of your house might help you feel better in all areas of your life.
- Helpful People (Qian): A plant in the helpful people corner can invigorate energies to elicit help when you need it most.
- Children (Dui): Adding plants to the children's area can help encourage growth in children or projects. If you have trouble finishing things, this can also be an excellent area to add a plant.
- Knowledge (Gen): Having houseplants in this area can help you learn more about yourself and grow as a person.
- Fame and Reputation (Li): If you want to be famous, a woody in your plant can help the fire element in your fame area. This will make you more visible to others.
- Career (Kan): Having plants in your work area can help you grow and expand in your job and keep you feeling wise.
- Partnership (Kun): Having plants in the partnership area can help relationships be kinder and more flexible.
How do plants contribute to positive energy and positive feng shui?
Feng shui experts believe that plants with strong yang energy are the best for your environment. Feng shui is all about balancing energy, so you create positive energy in your indoor environment. Yang energy is the energy of the sun and is associated with growth, expansion, and progress.
What are Some of the Best Feng Shui Plants?
The best feng shui plants correspond to where you place them. Keep in mind that keeping your plants healthy with proper care is essential to ensure that they contribute positively to the energy in your space. Dead plants are considered bad feng shui.
The essential element is light when it comes to caring, so make sure that you have the proper sunlight situation for the plants you choose for each location. Whether it's full sun, bright indirect light, or shade, some plants can contribute positively to the energy in your space.
Chinese Money Plant (Pilea pepermoides)
Placement: The Chinese money plant is excellent to place in the Wealth area. Requires bright light.
Benefits: The Chinese money plant is said to bring luck.
Chinese money plants are also the missionary plant, lefse plant, pancake plant, UFO plant, or mirror grass. It is considered a friendship plant because it can be propagated and shared with friends.
It is a perennial flowering plant native to Yunnan province in southern China. The Chinese money plant is considered good for wealth and prosperity. It is also said to bring good luck and part because it has small round leaves that look like coins.
Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)
Placement: The Money Tree is an excellent plant to place in the Wealth area. Requires bright indirect light.
Benefits: The Money Tree brings good luck and fortune.
Money Trees are an excellent tropical plant to have in your home. It attracts wealth and prosperity, which can help improve your financial security. Place the money tree in the southeast corner of your home to get the most benefits.
Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)
Placement: The Jade plant is an excellent plant to place in the Health area. Requires direct sun.
Benefits: It brings good health and long life.
Jade plants are a succulent native to South Africa. It has been used in feng shui for centuries and is believed to attract good luck and fortune. The jade plant is also said to promote health, wealth, and happiness. Jades are an extremely common house plant, and you can find them as either small little bushes up to impressive flowering jade trees.
Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)
Placement: Place the lucky bamboo plant in the Wealth area. Can tolerate low light.
Benefits: The bamboo plant brings good luck and fortune.
The bamboo plant is a popular feng shui plant that can be placed in any room. This plant is known to bring good luck and fortune, making it the perfect addition to any home. The bamboo plant is also said to promote health, wealth, and happiness. Place the bamboo plant in the Wealth area of your home to help increase your financial security.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
Placement: The Peace Lily is an excellent plant to place in the Helpful People area. Can tolerate low light.
Benefits: The Peace Lily is said to help with communication and relationships.
Peace lilies are beautiful flowering tropicals that can be placed in any room. This plant is known to help with communication and relationships. It is a good idea to add it to your home. The peace lily is also said to bring good luck and fortune. If you want to improve your relationships, place the peace lily in the northeast corner of your home. It requires low light and lots of water.
Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)
Placement: The Ficus tree is a great plant to place in the Career area. Requires bright indirect light.
Benefits: The Ficus tree brings good career opportunities and success.
The ficus tree is an excellent plant for feng shui. It brings good career opportunities and success. You can place it in the northwest corner of your home or office to improve your career prospects.
According to the teachings of feng shui, the rubber plant's round leaves make it suitable to put in the corner of a room to soften the sharp angles.
Ginseng Bonsai (Ficus Microcarpa)
Placement: The Ginseng Bonsai is an excellent plant to place in the Knowledge area. Requires bright indirect light.
Benefits: Considered good luck.
The Ficus Microcarpa is a tree that is native to South Asia. It is also known as the Ficus Ginseng Banuam Tree and has many other names. This tree can thrive in indirect sunlight and does not need to be watered or fed often, making it the best bonsai tree for beginners.
Aloe Vera (Aloe vera)
Placement: The Aloe Vera is an excellent plant to place in the Health area. Requires direct sun.
Benefits: The Aloe Vera brings good health and long life.
Aloe vera plants are a succulent plant that is native to Africa. It has been used in feng shui for centuries and is believed to attract good luck and fortune. The aloe vera plant is also known to promote health, wealth, and happiness. Place the aloe vera plant in the Health area of your home to improve your overall well-being.
Orchid (Phalaenopsis)
Placement: The Orchid is an excellent plant to place in the Love and Relationship area. Can tolerate low light, prefers shade.
Benefits: The Orchid brings good luck in relationships.
Orchids are a beautiful feng shui plant to place in any room. This plant is known to help with communication and relationships, making it the perfect addition to any home. The orchid is also said to bring good luck and fortune. Place the orchid in the southwest corner of your home to improve your love life.
Bamboo Palms (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
Placement: The Bamboo Palm is a great plant to place in the feng shui career area. Can tolerate lower light.
Benefits: The Bamboo Palm brings good career opportunities and success.
Bamboo Palms are another great feng shui plant for your home or office. This plant brings good career opportunities and success, making it the perfect addition to any room. Place the bamboo palm in the northwest corner of your home or office if you want to improve your career prospects.
Snake Plants (Sansevieria trifasciata)
Placement: The Snake Plant is an excellent plant to place in the feng shui health area. Can tolerate low light.
Benefits: The Snake Plant brings good health and long life.
Snake plants are durable plants native to Africa, also known as Mother in Laws Tongue, Sanseveria and, more recently, Dracaena trifasciata. People have been using it in feng shui for centuries because it attracts good luck and fortune, ending negative energies. If you want to improve your overall well-being, place the snake plant in the Health area of your home.
Citrus Trees
Placement: Citrus trees are great plants to place in the feng shui Wealth area. Prefers bright indirect light or direct sun.
Benefits: Citrus trees bring good luck and fortune.
Citrus trees are a popular feng shui plant to place in any room. This plant is known to bring good luck and fortune, making it the perfect addition to any home. The citrus tree is also said to promote health, wealth, and happiness. If you want to increase your financial security, place the citrus tree in the Wealth area of your home.
Your plants need to be alive to keep attracting positive energy.
Now, this doesn't mean you need to be perfect at plant care to maintain positive energy in your home. Even a recovering plant is a healthy plant. That said, part of the benefit of having feng shui plants in your home is giving yourself a break to take care of something else and boost positive energy.
While fake plants can give you the aesthetic, unless they are made from organic material, don't expect anything but dead energy from these alternatives to live indoor plants.
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